Office of the Assistant Chief

The Office of the Assistant Chief consists of four sections, including Chaplains, Records, Communications Center, and I.T. Services.

Chaplain Program

The Mansfield Safety Forces Chaplain Corps is entering its twelfth year of ministry since our restructuring in 2002. We currently have one in the corps, Chaplain Mark Dittmer, who serves as Chaplain Coordinator. With the ongoing work of our department we look forward to the growth of our opportunities to serve the personnel and families from the Divisions of Police and Fire, as well as the citizens of the city of Mansfield.

Records Section

The Records Section is composed of civilian records clerks who report directly to the Operations Supervisor. The Records Section is responsible for report control, record maintenance, retrieval, and disposition. This section also provides administrative and information desk support through the police aides, secretaries, and data entry personnel. The Records Section is currently supervised by Sheila Bradshaw.

Public Safety Communications Center (PSCC)

The Public Safety Communications Center was transferred back to the Police Department from the Safety-Service Director in April of 2013. The PSCC is currently supervised by Mark Huckleberry.

I.T. Services

I.T. Services provides IT Management and Support to the Division. This support is provided 24/7 and spans a broad scope inclusive of enterprise level management and planning, continuity of service, password management, and help desk assistance for users.