Exploring is for young people between the ages of 14 and 20 years of age who are in High School or College and are interested in a law enforcement career. Law Enforcement Exploring provides a comprehensive program of training, competition, service, and practical experiences. Character development, physical fitness, good citizenship, and patriotism are integral components of the overall program. Through their involvement in the program, Cadets develop an awareness of purpose, mission, and objectives of law enforcement agencies. Cadets have the chance to learn the practical, as well as, tactical aspects of police work by law enforcement professionals.

The Mansfield Police Cadet Post 7751 is chartered with Public Safety Cadets. The Post Advisor is a Sworn Mansfield Police Officer who oversees the program with the help of additional sworn police officers and adult volunteers to provide adult leadership. All leaders are registered with Public Safety Cadets and have completed mandated Youth Protection Training.
The Mansfield Police Public Safety Cadet Post participates in the annual Heart of Ohio Law Enforcement Cadet Competition and the Biennial National Law Enforcement Cadet Conference/Competition. In addition to preparing for competitions the Cadets participates in many community service opportunities throughout the year. They also assists the Police Department in areas such as crime prevention, traffic/crowd control, and neighborhood watch functions.
The Mansfield Police Public Safety Cadets post meets weekly on Monday evenings from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. at the Mansfield Police Department, Hutchison Memorial Classroom. For additional information please call (419) 755-9707 and an advisor will return your call.